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Space Place was a project created for my Game Engine Scripting Class. It is a short, 2D Side-Scrolling Platformer with an emphasis on puzzles, created using sound assets found in the Unity store and Abandonauts visual assets.

This project taught me an extremely important lesson: Always check resolution scaling. Failing to do so led to a leap of faith in-game that was not intended.

Perhaps the greatest challenge of this project was making the laser hazards work properly with multiple buttons effecting the same laser. I did not formulate a clear plan on how to do this before I began programming, and likely could have saved myself time and effort had I done so.

Were I to continue this game, I would like to add more intricate puzzles that subvert player expectations, such as the puzzle on the second level, which the player needed to die to complete. I was worried that this would lead to frustration or simply be too easy, but it took playtesters a bit of time to figure out the solution, and they were all quite pleased once they had done so.

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